The Contemporary Logistics Industry

The Warehousing and Logistics Industry in Australia generates an enormous amount of data every day (DHL 2013), which creates great opportunities for businesses. However, this data is not currently being used to maximum efficiency (Zhong et al. 2015). Furthermore, if used correctly, data and statistical analysis provides immense opportunity for businesses and generates significant competitive advantage (Wang et al. 2016). By leveraging the data which already exists within the business, organisations can extract substantial value over multiple facets of the business, including guiding high-level strategic directions, assisting day-to-day tactical decisions, and reducing the cost-overhead caused when Service-Level Agreements (SLA’s) are not met. Jia, Wang & Wei (2015) discuss that the key to achieving this business success is through real-time data analytics and user-friendly visualisation. Moreover, Davenport & Harris (2007) emphasise the direct link between a business’s degree of competitive advantage and its degree of data intelligence. The use of data, and the realisation of in-depth statistical analysis is also an area where the warehousing and logistics industry is yet to achieve great outcomes (Bamberger et al. 2017).